I’m in print! Click here!

I’m in print! Click here!

Visit the above link to get a free “Look Inside” preview of my new book,
Meditation Q & A.   The subtitle is, “Questions submitted to online forums,
answered by Prahas.”  Enjoy!

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Beyond Information

In a world awash with data, please remember:  there is something immensely valuable beyond information.  A beautiful, divine silence exists beyond the mind-stuff.

There is a miraculous, subtle force in play which moves us gently toward this silence.  This is the story of how this force worked on me.

In my twenties, I was steeped in the intellectual world.  I was reading spiritual texts, but they did not penetrate.  When I turned twenty nine, I moved to a suburb of the city in which I was living.  This move lessoned to a large degree the noise and distraction to which I was subjected.  In astrological terms, I was in my Saturn return, so the miraculous force had the stars on its side.

One night, at a dinner party, I exchanged a few words with a new acquaintance.  She mentioned she spent six months in the U.S. and six months in India.  I didn’t think much of it.

A few weeks later, I was standing in line at a cafe, and I caught sight of a group of four people laughing and enjoying.  Upon looking more closely, I noticed the woman I had met at the dinner party.  I was wearing a tee-shirt with the logo of a theatre company with which I had worked.  My acquaintance said, “I didn’t know you worked in theatre.  This man is a world-renowned theatre artist from Germany.”  Introductions were made, and I sat down with them to have a coffee.

Two minutes later, I was crying my eyes out.

I have no recollection of what transpired between the introduction and the crying.  However, I do remember, after I finally calmed down, the German artist saying, “You are ready.”

There is an ancient saying.  The student does not find the Master; the Master finds the student.  In this case, the Master used one of his disciples to find me.

A few weeks later, I was immersed in a Zen Theatre course, which combined theatre exercises with meditation techniques.

Shortly thereafter, I became the disciple of an enlightened Master, and began to learn the methods which helped me to have a glimpse of that which lies beyond the spoken word, beyond the zippy thoughts, beyond the emotions, and beyond the sensations of the physical body.

It only took one glimpse of this peace, this silence, this blissfulness, to know that in the end, this is all I need.

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On Conflict Resolution

Hello dear readers!  The first three pages of this essay (a five minute read) give you a good overview of the landscape I cover within (ideas about conflict resolution).  The remaining fifteen pages flesh out the initial ideas.  As the opening is divided into sections, you can pick and choose which sections you want to dive deeper into in the 15 page chunk.  Enjoy, and more later!

Click here to read

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Knowledge: Parables and a List

My latest essay.  

Click here to read.

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Poem – Written December 9th, 2021

Scrunched —

Face and brain;

   Hunched over;
   Screen blaring;
      Clock ticking.

Bunches of confused thoughts not caring
About rhyme nor reason?


Just an empty daze.


Furrowed brow —

How can ICANN do the Can Can?

Stan the Man can’t pandemically
Advance his agenda;
(Splenda or no)
He’s stuck in the mud;
Star-studded cast grassed up;
High as kites;

Not flying so much as
Aimlessly floating like
Dandelion seeds;
Needs met;
Desires ignored;

Sleep well,
Dear Loves,
While Rome burns
Stomach churns
No one learns…

Rest in

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Yet Another Ill-Informed Essay on Israel and Hamas

I’m just a regular guy. What do I know? And yet here I am, writing about Israel and Hamas.

I did in 1992 write a music-theatre piece about the region. And I went on a two-week trip to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza for research, sponsored by The Earthsteward’s Network (godliness bless Danaan Perry and his team). But that was a long time ago.

Recently a friend posted the following statement on Facebook:

It seems to me there is much to say about this statement, and I will say a bit below. It echoes a thought I had the other day. When I’m being casual, I believe Hamas wants to kill all the Israelis. But if all the Israelis simply packed their bags and left, I don’t think Hamas would chase them around the world to finish the job.

Of course these kinds of thoughts beg the questions, “To where will the Israelis go?” ”Who will approve their immigration applications?” ”Who will pay for the transplant costs?” Think of all of the companies that would need to be disbanded and then reformed. And the infrastructure that would need to be rebuilt. And on and on….

The dislocation and relocation of humans has been going on for thousands of years. When we discuss Israel and Hamas we need to arbitrarily choose a date range, which immediately colors our statements. But since I’m just a regular, ill-informed guy: if it was up to me, at the end of World War II; after roughly six million Jews were exterminated (and I suspect, yes, it was rough), and after Germany lost the war, I would have carved out a chunk of Germany and re-named it Israel and invited the Jews to settle there. It seems to me, in the short term at least, and ignoring the threat of European anti-semitism, that that action would have created some karmic balance.

But all of these imaginings are simply a waste of energy. The Israelis are not leaving Israel any time soon.

Bill Maher did a marvelous “New Rule” segment on the subject. I’ll put the link below. 

He begins by noting that in 1950 Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, was 86% Christian.  Now, he claims, it is overwhelmingly Muslim.  But you don’t see Christians mounting a crusade to take it back.  

Things change, Maher says.  Deal with it.  Countries; boundaries; and empires change.  Byzantium became Constantinople, which became Istanbul. Ireland was all Irish, until England took the northern part.

And what to say about the British colonizers of North America, and what used to be called “the Indians?”  Maher somewhat sheepishly chose to omit the Americans and their transgressions from his piece. He also probably should have talked about the slave trade, but it was only an eight minute segment. 

Wars are fought over these things. Sometimes long wars. But, and someone correct me if I’m wrong, the 75 year battle over Israel has to be one of the longest conflicts in recent history. In most cases eventually folks come to the negotiating table, draw some lines on a map, move some wampum around, and get on with their lives.

Maher goes on, “Was it unjust that even a single Arab family was forced to move upon the founding of the Jewish state? Yes. But it’s also not rare.  It’s been happening all throughout history all over the world and mostly what people do is make the best of it.”

Maher then goes on to list several examples of large-scale movements of refugees around the world.  It is truly disgraceful.  Humans, as he says, are not very nice people sometimes. 

Discussing the phrase “the river to the sea” Maher pulls up an old map of the US and Mexico:

He then says, “[You don’t hear] any Mexicans [these days] chanting, ‘from the Rio Grande to Portland Oregon.’ ”  

His point:  you see the writing on the wall, you negotiate for what you can get, and then you go on with living: with building cities and hospitals and schools and tech sectors and so on.  At one point Maher says if the Palestinian leadership had accepted one of the many peace deal proposals over the years, the West Bank and Gaza could look like Dubai rather than how it looked several months ago.  In my view it’s an over-statement, but you get the idea. (Just to lighten the mood, I’ll share a link below to the 2024 Dubai New Year’s celebration. It’s quite something. Don’t mess with Dubai.)

I would be remiss if I didn’t at least wave my hands at the possibly-real unseen factors possibly influencing the mess in Israel. Is the war there an outer expression of the centuries-old conflict between the Illuminati and the Church? Are there extraterrestrial influences at work here? What to say about the multi-party multi-dimensional inner-world war among the mystery schools on the planet? Or the fight for dominance between the EMF-based control technologies and the nano-based tech. Let’s not forget the mega-bucks being made by the military industrial complex. If all that doesn’t deserve an “OY!” I don’t know what does.

There was a time when I would have said the Hamas leadership simply needs to drop their desire for the whole enchilada and come to the negotiating table to create a two-state solution. But now Benjamin Netanyahu is on the scene. And, again, what do I know, but my sense is he wants to annex Gaza and eventually the West Bank too. There have long been Israelis (to wit, those who have supported settlements for all of these years) who want a Greater Israel. And in my opinion Netanyahu is one of them. (For more on this point, have a look at the podcast with Sam Harris and Yuval Noah Harari — see link below.)

So the more moderate Palestinians may have missed their chances. They may become the next “people without a homeland.” They may join the over 12 million Syrians displaced over the last 13 years. Or the 12 million Germans thrust out of Russia and Eastern Europe after WW II.  Or the one million Greeks shoved out of Turkey in 1923.  Or the one million Ghanaians expelled from Nigeria in 1983.  And on and on…

If I could, I would engineer a leadership change in Israel, so that a member of Peace Now (a long-standing Israeli group advocating for peace and a two-state solution) could run the table. And I would create a sea-change in the minds of the members of Hamas, so that they would stop all the “river to the sea” nonsense and get real about building a future for their people.

But I cannot do any of these things. I can barely get out of bed in the morning. So we are left with what we are left with. Will my utterances fall on deaf ears? Probably. But all things considered, at least I can tell my niece I put out my thoughts and longings for peace and a two-state solution in a public forum on January 1st, 2024.

Happy New Year, to one and all!

Click here for the Bill Maher segment.

Click here to watch the New Year’s show in Dubai.

Click here for the Sam Harris podcast. (Go to 16 minutes 30 seconds in for the relevant segment.)

(Note: at no point in the writing of this essay was AI used. It’s just my little old brain at work here, and whatever signals my tin foil hat is picking up, and whatever un-invited lotions and potions are influencing my bio-chemistry. Unless we are all living in a computer simulation, and I am just a piece of code. LOL. Not.)


Postscript, added three days after writing: 

I’ve been watching Return to Space on Netflix. 

The astronauts speak so tenderly about the loss of seven crew members (Columbia shuttle) and how they are striving so hard to prevent the loss of even one more life.

I can’t help but hold that in my head next to the images of Gaza and the reports of thousands of men women and children who have been killed.  As well as the hundreds of Israelis dead.  What to say about all of the other war-dead and murdered people around the world?

The astronauts also spoke of seeing the Earth from space, without any lines like the ones found on maps.  It is one little ball floating in the void, fragile, and all humans live on it.  One man said something like even the most cynical space men, after they have flown, are changed by the experience.  Is anyone willing to buy a ticket for Benjamin Netanyahu and the Hamas leadership?  Would they fly if given the chance?


Edit, added Feb 2, 2024:

I found it a worthwhile activity to create a free ChatGPT account, and then to ask the following questions (and read the answers): 1) from 1890 to the present how did jews acquire land in palestine? 2) please say more about the “land reclamation projects.” 3) please say more about the “1936-1939 Arab Revolt” 4) please provide a summary of the rulers of Palestine over the last 300 years. 5) say more about what caused “the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians”

Whoa. I just discovered a share button on ChatGPT. I think if you click this link you will be able to read the entire dialogue. Click here.

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Holiday gift 2023

Dear Readers,

Let me begin by wishing you a very Happy Holidays!

Of course I thought about sending out personalized gifts this year.  But the collective is so strong for me at this time it demands my whole attention.  Therefore I choose to give my gifts to the community in the form of a poem and a donation, and then to share these gifts with each of you:  friends and family who are so much a part of my life.  I feel us to be so interwoven.  So connected.  

I made a donation to Peace Now, the largest and longest-standing Israeli movement advocating for peace in the region.  On October 30th, 2023, the group issued a statement addressing the current war.  They acknowledged the need for military action.  And they also said this:

“Israel is our homeland. We will not accept any terror attack on us. And as our fellow friends and comrades are in the battlefield, as our families and children are under missiles from Lebanon and Gaza, and as civilians in Gaza are living under daily military attacks, we do not forget the importance of a political vision.

“In these times, we [continue to support] a two-state solution that will ensure long-term security for the State of Israel and for Palestinians.”

See the full text of the statement here:  https://peacenow.org.il/en/only-a-political-vision-will-secure-victory

I know there are other wars going on around the world, in Ukraine and Russia, Yemen, Sudan, and other locations.  But Jerusalem is the center of Judaism and Christianity, and in Decembers past I used to celebrate Hanukah and Christmas.  My personality bias is showing here.  

In any case I hope the little limerick below warms you up a bit.  I hope during this holiday season you find moments of joy and delight.  And I hope gratitude finds its way to your heart, for there truly is so much to be grateful for.  A meme came across my Facebook page which touched me.  Apparently Brother David Steindl-Rast said this:  “The root of joy is gratefulness.  It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.”  

So even as we notice what is possible to bring into our lives, let us open space for gratitude to come in for all life has already given us.   In the quantum space of possibilities, somehow molecules have been formed and then shaped into humans, you and I, capable of Love and connection and enjoying a sumptuous Thai dinner and absorbing the colors and hues of a majestic sunset.  What a blessing.  What benediction.  What a miracle.  




The holidays point us toward joy.
This year I reply with an “OY!”
The pain is so large;
won’t fit on a barge;
My verse must include soldier boy.

The death tolls continue to grow
Ignoring my loud cry of Whoa!
Some call for Peace Now;
The question is how
To stow away arrow and bow.

We set up menorah and tree;
Do lights on both help us to see
Our way to a peace
And warm pain release?
To lives being happy and free?

Some say there is no right or wrong;
That chaos is part of the song.
And yet I do fear
Big ends are quite near;
Just Love!  Yes, one needs to be strong.

It’s time for the candles to light;
It’s time for the end to the fight.
All over the world
Peace banners unfurled;
To all do I wish a good night.  

Much Much Love to you during this blessed holiday season!

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Peace, Please

In 1991 I went on a citizens’ diplomacy tour of the Middle East. Click the link for some glimpses of my experiences… Love.

Click here to read the six page essay.

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B the B

Is humanity really doomed? I think not!

Please download the free e-book:

Becoming The Butterfly:
An Imagining of How Things Could Unfold

This free e-book / novella imagines the all-at-once flowering of consciousness in every area of human endeavor. It offers a blueprint of a way forward for all of us.

You may want to read it because it will give you hope for the future. It will create for you a way to think positively about the days to come. It will suggest ways in which changes can happen nearly overnight, for the good of every living being on the planet.

Download Instructions Below… 🙂

Brief Plot Summary

It is 2024 at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.  At first glance it looks like business as usual, but a unique combination of circumstances causes several CEOs to have break throughs in consciousness, leading to them directing their companies in dramatically new directions.  Watch as the oil and gas industry discovers the value of renewable energy, our food supply is marvelously improved, pornography (referred to in G-rated terms) is transformed into sacred sexuality, and a leader committed to war opens his heart and seeks non-violent approaches to getting his people’s needs met.

About the Author

Prahas Nafissian graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Wesleyan University with a double major in music and math/computer science. He spent his 20s as a professional composer and playwright. The Seattle Times wrote about one of his works, “Nafissian’s score is stimulating, lively and fast-paced. The real yarn that threads the play together is the fabric of emotional content in his work.”

He discovered meditation in 1992, spent six months in an ashram in India in 1994-95, and then spent nine years in a school of meditation in Sedona, AZ. More recently he completed the OneTaste Coaching Program: an intense seven-month “deep dive” into the practice of Orgasmic Meditation and modern life coaching techniques.

In addition to Becoming the Butterfly, Prahas is also the author of Meditation Q & As, and “how many times have i sat by this river?” (Both titles are available for download for free, after you have created your smashwords.com account — see below).

How to download

Click this link:

Go to Download website

It will take you to the e-book website, SmashWords.com, and you will see the cover and info for Becoming the Butterfly. However, you cannot download it yet — you need to create an account first.

At the upper left, in the blue bar, you will see Home, About, FAQ, and Sign Up. Click Sign Up, and you will be asked for your email address, a password, and a username. SmashWords honors a strict no-spam privacy policy, so you can proceed without fear!

After you create and verify your free account, you should be logged into SmashWords. Now go ahead and click this link again to return to Becoming the Butterfly:

Click to return to the e-book

Now you can download the e-book in any format you like — hover your mouse over each format to see which is for what device.

Once you have downloaded B the B, feel free to browse the huge library of e-book content which SmashWords provides. Also have a look at my other works: Meditation Q & A, and how many times have i sat by this river?

Thank you, and if you enjoy the novella, please share it with your friends!

Offered with Love,


PS: If you decide not to download, please drop me a comment below, just to say hi. 🙂

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Becoming the Butterfly: a new e-book

I hope you are good and well. 

I’ve posted a new e-book.  It is called, Becoming the Butterfly: An Imagining of How Things Could Unfold.   In my opinion, it is a very average piece of writing.  There are a dozen things wrong with it.  And in my view it contains one diamond: the notion that the alchemy of transformation on a global scale IS possible, and could happen in a very short amount of time, and at any time!  Heaven on earth can be created, and virtually overnight! 

Feel free to share with anyone in your life who you think might enjoy…

Offered at no cost with Love,



Technical Notes:

Go to this link:

Smashwords website

Create a free account in a couple of simple steps.  Then download whichever format you like:  

EPUB:  Supported by many apps and devices (e.g., Apple Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo, Google Play, etc.)

MOBI:  For Amazon Kindle apps and devices.

PDF:  A fixed format, openable by most devices, and good for printing as well.

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A Return to Dialogue

I wrote this in June of 2018, and stumbled upon it today. A feeling of well-being arose as I read it, so I thought I would share it.



What needs to change so that talking about [insert flashpoint] will help?

rebuild trust;

maintain integrity in communication;

do what you say you are going to do;

agree on a set of facts;

open lines of communication;

keep good records;

create a safe space for negotiation;

approach the negotiating table in good faith;

maintain a genuine intention to come to a resolution – to solve problems;

have a discussion about the definitions of and parameters of the problems — we often don’t even agree on what constitutes a problem;

acknowledge the humanness of the other parties;

remember to zoom out and see our current situations on the timeline of history;

create a discussion of boundaries and the respect for boundaries and if one party is going to go ahead and violate the boundaries of another party (which happens all the time), ask the violating party to state why they felt they were justified in perpetrating the offense;

strive for a balance of power;

relinquish the belief that “might makes right” and adopt a belief in the rule of law and the importance of clear agreements (if one party believes in “might makes right” it will never make sense to talk to them about anything — all they will do is build up their might and use it to get what they want).

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“A story like mine should never be told.  For my world is as forbidden as it is fragile.  Without its mysteries, it cannot survive.”   –Opening (English) lines, from the movie Memoirs of a Geisha

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